A Funky Original Music Collective

Is a brand created by Mr Steve (Stefano Taboga) to bring together the energies and ideas of many musicians and artists in general.
It was born as a band that brings together a compendium of various musicians from
different backgrounds and musical paths, united by a common passion:
The band providing a product that ranges between
various genres (rock, blues, soul, R&B ..), giving the band the flexibility to
perform in different formations, from the duo to the quintet, rearranging
each time tracks of the various sets.


Band Members:

Mr Steve Taboga
Mr Alan Malusa’ Magno
Mr Marzio “scoot” Tomada
Mr Fabio”Fabulous” Veronese
Mr Alberto “pezz” Pezzetta
Mr Jeremy “Jerry” Seravalle
Mr Alessandro Mansutti
…and many more….

follow us for news and lives shows

For Info

or Contact:

Master in music composition "Campus Musica"
Crueza de Mar Cagliari

Master di 2° level “composizione per la Musica applicata” ”
at the Conservatory ”F.Vanezze” in Rovigo

Master “CSC lab Musica per le immagini”
at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia di Roma.

Composition MasterClass
Composition MasterClass with M° Stefano Bellon at the “Casa della Musica” di Trieste.

Jazz - 2nd level Experimental Specialist Two-year degrees (Jazz)
at the Conservatory “G.Tartini” in Trieste.

Jazz - First level Experimental Specialist tree-year degrees (Jazz)
at the Conservatory “G.Tartini” in Trieste

Sound Engineer diploma
at the ENAIP Udine

Acting Degree

presso la Civica Accademia D'Arte Drammatica “Nico Pepe” di Udine.

Music Teacher
at the Civic Academy of Dramatic Art “Nico Pepe” in Udine