Music composer

WEMW 2025

Music by: Alan Malusà Magno
Directed by Andrea Gatopoulus, WEMW 2025 official trailer reimagines the frontiers of imagination

I am a versatile musician and a composer who performs and writes music ranging from rock to jazz. I have composed experimental and symphonic music for both theatre and film, and my art is adaptable to an array of situations, with multimedia composition being at the core.

Eyes in your pocket now
Tomorrow might be brighter

Tightrope walker’s Angry intolerance Always keeps him standing

On my way home, alone late night, sooner life will explode out to the blue

Master in music composition "Campus Musica"
Crueza de Mar Cagliari

Master di 2° level “composizione per la Musica applicata” ”
at the Conservatory ”F.Vanezze” in Rovigo

Master “CSC lab Musica per le immagini”
at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia di Roma.

Composition MasterClass
Composition MasterClass with M° Stefano Bellon at the “Casa della Musica” di Trieste.

Jazz - 2nd level Experimental Specialist Two-year degrees (Jazz)
at the Conservatory “G.Tartini” in Trieste.

Jazz - First level Experimental Specialist tree-year degrees (Jazz)
at the Conservatory “G.Tartini” in Trieste

Sound Engineer diploma
at the ENAIP Udine

Acting Degree

presso la Civica Accademia D'Arte Drammatica “Nico Pepe” di Udine.

Music Teacher
at the Civic Academy of Dramatic Art “Nico Pepe” in Udine

Contattami per musica e concerti

Want to discuss my work or a challenge you’re facing?  Leave your details and I’ll get back to you