Mocambo swing
Venice, Trieste and Udine, together: these are the places where the story begins. That Mitteleuropa, a de facto borderland, where
cultures cross, giving life to sonorities
original, with a long tradition behind them.

Put the passion for contamination into it, the research, experimentation, spinal link with Italian author music: here are the “Mocambo swing”. An energetic and animated music that mixes the language of legendary orchestras American Dixieland and modern jazz improvised, with the rich world of music popular gypsy.

Two albums recorded
Band Members:
Flavio Davanzo:
Alan Malusà Magno:
Matteo Sgobino:
voice and guitar
Francesco Socal:
clarinet and bass clarinet
Alessandro Turchet:
Illustrations by
Massimiliano Gosparini