An Original Country Punk Psycadelic Project

Everybody knows that we would do anything for the dirty Money, but for Love
and Passion we would do even more.

“…i take a close watch on this heart of fine
i keep my eyes wide open all the time
i keep ends out for the tie that binds
because you’re mine
i walk the line…”

So sang Johnny Cash in “I Walk The Line”, and from this point of view on life
we bring the poet’s energy back to our ears and with this energy we try to filter OUR stories

Tree albums recorded

Band Members:

Andrea Faidutti:
Guitar Voice

Alan Malusà Magno:
Guitar Voice

Marzio Tomada:
Doublebass Voice

Andrea Fontana
Marco D’Orlando
Alessandro Mansutti

follow us for news and lives shows

For Info

or Contact:

Master in music composition "Campus Musica"
Crueza de Mar Cagliari

Master di 2° level “composizione per la Musica applicata” ”
at the Conservatory ”F.Vanezze” in Rovigo

Master “CSC lab Musica per le immagini”
at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia di Roma.

Composition MasterClass
Composition MasterClass with M° Stefano Bellon at the “Casa della Musica” di Trieste.

Jazz - 2nd level Experimental Specialist Two-year degrees (Jazz)
at the Conservatory “G.Tartini” in Trieste.

Jazz - First level Experimental Specialist tree-year degrees (Jazz)
at the Conservatory “G.Tartini” in Trieste

Sound Engineer diploma
at the ENAIP Udine

Acting Degree

presso la Civica Accademia D'Arte Drammatica “Nico Pepe” di Udine.

Music Teacher
at the Civic Academy of Dramatic Art “Nico Pepe” in Udine